Like many of you, I have felt a heavy weight on my heart since the leak of the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. When the ruling came on June 24, I was not shocked but still heartbroken. And angry. Really, really angry. The subsequent flood of additional rulings felt like gut punch after gut punch.

The fascinating thing about anger is that it can teach us about our boundaries, and illuminate our values in a way no other emotion can. When we choose to get quiet and listen to our anger, it can help us make new decisions that are in alignment with our deepest values.

As a financial educator, it is my duty to be a resource to the people I serve – mostly single, female-identifying people between the ages of 25-50. My clients are my driving force, and their multi-faceted lives shape the work I do. I found myself quietly contemplating in the nights after the overturning of Roe v. Wade, asking myself, “What can I do to serve them better? How can I support my people?” 

Personal finance is personal. And it’s political. There are no two ways about it. Every dollar is a vote for what you wish to see in the world. So how can we vote better? That’s when it hit me: reclaiming our power with our dollars. This summer, I am making choices in how I spend, save, donate, and vote with my dollar. I’m calling this the Saving Ourselves Challenge. And I want to invite you to join me. The premise is simple: use what you can, where you are, to make choices that send an economic message about our collective power.

“If everyone does a little, then no one has to do a lot” – Kelly Krout, candidate for Lieutenant Governor, Arkansas

Here’s how it works:

  1. Saving Money. Saving Ourselves. Keep as much of your buying power as possible for yourself. Spend as little as possible through the coming months. Participate in the gifting economy. Use what you have and adopt frugal habits.
  2. Spend consciously. When you absolutely must spend money, choose local, buy from artists, and research where your money is going. Make spending choices that align with your values.
  3. Give impactfully. Donate to causes that can make the biggest difference and serve the most immediate needs.
  4. Make your voice heard. Write to your representatives. Participate in local races. Vote in every election.

I’ll be sharing resources and ideas for all of these points here on the blog, and on my Instagram stories.

Ready to take action? Let’s get started.

(NOTE: This list of ideas and resources will be updated frequently. Some of these resources are geared toward progressive/left-leaning issues and organizations. If you know of a resource that should be added or reconsidered, please email me directly: mimi@meadowsweetmoney(dot)com or send me a message on Instagram.)

Saving Money. Saving Ourselves.

  • Saving money on food:
    • Create an inventory of your pantry, fridge, and freezer. Commit to using what you have before buying more.
    • Mealime App – a free app that allows you to create meal plans using what you already have on hand.
  • General savings:
    • Participate in your local Buy Nothing group.
    • Find or offer up items on FreeCycle.
    • Leverage the power of your local library – there’s so much more than just borrowing books!
    • Throw a clothing swap with your friends.
    • Borrow cooking gadgets and tools from your parents, grandparents, or neighbors
    • Create a “Want But Waiting” list on your phone.
    • Use YouTube to find ways to repair (instead of replacing).
    • Seek out free/low-cost events in your area.
  • Learn money-saving skills:
  • Avoid companies that want to take away your rights:

Spending Consciously.

  • Research the companies where you spend. Here are some sites to do that:
  • Buy Locally:
  • Shop mindfully:
    • – Buy books and support independent bookstores (not Jeff Bezos).
    • – Find socially responsible union hotels.

Give Impactfully.

  • Support reproductive justice:
    • – The National Network of Abortion Funds removes financial and logistical barriers to abortion access
    • – Donate to fund for bail, attorney fees, and other expenses incurred by people who are criminalized for self-managed abortions.
  • Donate goods and used items to organizations that align with your values:
    • Books to Prisoners Program – Donate books to organizations throughout the U.S. getting books to prisoners.
    • Dress for Success – Donate gently used professional clothing for disadvantaged women seeking employment.
    • Out of the Closet Thrift Stores – Donate clothing and home goods. Benefitting AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Pickup is available in some locations.
    • Consider donating to your local smaller thrift shops, domestic violence shelters, animal shelters, and other nonsecular nonprofits.

Make Your Voice Heard.

  • Vote in every election:
    • – Get information on candidates in your area and register to vote.
    • SpreadTheVote – Organization helping voters get the proper IDs they need in states with voter ID laws.
    • Vote America – A one-stop-shop for all things voter support. Register or check your voter registration status, request a mail-in ballot, and find out where to vote.
  • Encourage voters to participate:
    • Postcards To Voters – Volunteer to write friendly, handwritten reminders to targeted voters giving Democrats a winning edge in close, key races coast to coast.
    • Vote Forward – Volunteer to write handwritten reminders to increase the participation of traditionally underrepresented communities throughout the United States.
  • Lead:



Last updated: July 4, 2022 @ 5:14 a.m.